
No event can run without volunteers. Without good people giving their time and energy no one would make it to the start line.

Vollies are the backbone of any community gathering. And what is an adventure duathlon if not a big, awesome community gathering of like-minded dirtbags?

Send 2 Summit is no different, and we’d love to have you on board our team to help create a unique, safe, fun event with a great vibe.

In thanks for your time, energy and effort, we offer one future free entry into any Tour de Trails event. Choose from a freebie entry into:

  • Warburton Trail Fest (March)

  • Goldfish Trail Runs (April)

  • Surf Coast Trail Marathon (June)

  • Afterglow (November)

  • Wild Mount Trail Runs (December)

or you can cash in on a Tour de Trails Tours with a $250 discount off any tour in thanks for volunteering.

To see what volunteer positions are available, click the black button below to go to our iVolunteer system. Find a position your can do, and fill in the details. Any questions, use the contacts page to let us know what’s up!