Why are there no team/pairs entries this year??

In Year One we offered a team entry to encourage participation and have the option should one or the other team member not be so into trail running or mountain biking. This year, due to a strict limit on numbers and some logistical concerns experienced last year, we’re sticking (for now) to solo entries only - meaning you have to do the whole course yourself. We will potentially revisit the team entry in later years, but for now we need to ensure the event remains viable in the short term - so we made the difficult decision to drop teams. For now…

How do I get my bike back up to the Buller Village?

There will be a bike trailer shuttle taking rider bikes back up to the Buller Village, however we are encouraging as many as possible to be responsible for retrieving your bikes from the transition zone by asking friends, family or supporters to transfer back to the Village once your ride leg is complete. If you have no way of relying on someone to get your bike, or you won’t be able to nip down the mountain yourself to grab prior to the 2PM zone shut down, YOU CAN PRE ORDER AND PAY for a bike shuttle service. Do this when you register in the ‘shop’ section. Bikes that have been registered and paid to be shuttled will be dropped off and placed back in the Buller Village transition zone ready for pick up.

Can my support crew collect the bike i.e. no need for a bike shuttle?

Yes. Your awesome crew can grab your bike to take back to the village Square atop the mountain. If they can’t, you will need to arrange to collect it prior to transition shutdown at 12pm (with some leeway as we pack up!)). OR you need to order a bike shuttle when you register (add on merchandise $15).

Are there aid stations?

Yes. There is an aid station at Howqua Gap Hut, approx 7km into the ride leg. Then another at Mirimbah Transition Station, at the finish (22km) of the ride leg. There is no aid station on the run - being only 10km. However there is mandatory 500ml of water (hydro pack preferred) required for the run.

Mandatories? HELL YES

Everyone is required to carry

  • a mobile phone and

  • a puncture repair kit including tyre pump or equivalent (gas canister)

  • snake bandage

  • a minimum of 500ml of water.

    NOTE: it’s a short run but it’s also 1200 metres of vertical gain, and is exposed up the top. We suggest 1-2 litre for the mountain run section, especially on a hot day. We also suggest a snack / nutrition of some kind. Or whatever you feel you need to be self sufficient for the time you are out there. NOTE: most people ‘bonked’ last year! They didn’t take enough hydration or nutrition on before setting off on the trek/run leg… we HIGHLY recommend you take particular note of this, and that you 1. hydrate and get some energy in PRIOR to leaving the Mirimbah Transition Area and 2. TAKE HYDRATION & NUTRITION WITH YOU! Fair warning… from experience….

What about safety? Will I be safe out there?

Well - firstly, nothing is guaranteed - but a lot rests in your own hands - don’t take unnecessary risks! The mountainbike leg is the risk-laden section, given a lot of it is downhill and you will be tempted to go faster than you may usually! So ride within your limits and skill sets!

That said, we will have medics and an ambulance stationed at Mirimbah and safety officers out on course, specifically on the MTB leg.

We will have limited marshals out on course monitoring things and sweeps will follow up behind the final participant to clean the course and also assist in the case of an emergency.

I’ve injured myself / fallen ill / changed my mind / had a clash of engagements… can I get a refund pretty please?

REFUNDS are applicable ONLY PRIOR TO midnight, 1st January 2024 less an admin fee ($30). You must email to request a refund before that time. Any requests posts that date, no matter the reason (including COVID, including unforeseen injury, even with a doctors certificate - we believe you, it’s just that the refund due date is past).

Please do not request refund after this date as refusal often, strangely, offends despite everyone signing up to T&Cs when they enter .

This is decidedly not just a cash grab, we promise (no-one makes money from outdoor events. Except Ironman). Basically, most of the money from your entry fee has been spent on the materials, insurances, permits, medals, bibs, and pre-work (that we need to pay people to do!), and none of it is recoverable by us, the organiser. Even refunds prior to that date we lose some money on. But we try to find a middle ground of reasonableness. We hope, y’all being reasonable people, you understand.

(Think about it like this - you buy a ticket to a Bruce Springsteen concert from Ticketmaster, and you fall ill / break a leg / work calls you in. Trust us, Ticketmaster will not refund you either. No refunds past a due date in sporting events are also pretty much the norm purely from a perspective of viability.)

Bummer, cause I ate a dodgy kebab yesterday and I feel like my stomach might not cope with the ‘weeeeeee’ of the descent, even though it’s a week away, so I was hoping for a refund. What are my options?

The blunt truth is - that became an expensive kebab. BUT… because it’s all about sunk costs, what you CAN do is offer your entry to another person to race in your place! Yes! The recycle economy! How good.

Just email us (chris@tourdetrails.com), telling us:

  • Who the new replacement athlete is (name)?

  • Gender?

  • DOB?

  • Email address?

  • Mobile #?

  • Residential Address?

  • Any medical notables?

  • Emergency contact (name and mobile)?

And we will update your entry to reflect their details. It’s up to you and them to work out a deal for compensating the dollars! Or buy you the equivalent amount in beer (noting that it’s actually enough for two decent bottles of gin. so we’d go the gin option).